Spa and Hot Tub Water Maintenance Once you Buy a Hot Tub
When you buy a hot tub, it’s important to remember they require regular proper care and maintenance. Without this, money spent on your spa and hot tub will be lost, leaving you with an ineffective spa and hot tub. Following the water maintenance cleaning procedures listed below will ensure your soft tub hot tubs remain in great conditions for you, your family and friends to enjoy for as long as possible.
Spa/Hot Tub Chemical Starter Pack Bundle Package (Spa Essentials)
If you are unsure of the proper care and maintenance routines required after you buy a hot tub, read the information below. Make sure you follow these spa and hot tub cleaning procedures in order to maximize the efficiency after you buy a hot tub:
- Test Your Soft Tub Hot Tubs Water – After you buy a hot tub the water should be tested at least once a week in order to ensure the best possible water quality. When you buy a hot tub, the hot tub manufacturer should provide you with a spa and hot tub water testing strip compatible with the soft tub hot tubs brand you purchased.
- Maintain Your Soft Tub Hot Tubs Chemicals – After you tested your spa and hot tub water, the results will indicate which types of chemicals need to be added to the spa and hot tub to ensure water balance. These often consist of either bromine or chlorine. It is important to ensure that the spa and hot tub chemicals are at their appropriate levels at all times because soft tub hot tubs are at high risk of damage if not treated correctly.
- Spa and Hot Tub Shock Treatment – Shocking your water is a crucial step in maintaining your soft tub hot tubs. Using your hot tubs jacuzzi less than 4 times a week will require only one hot tub shocking; using it more than 4 times will require two hot tub shock treatments.
- Spa and Hot Tub Shock Treatment – Shocking your water is a crucial step in maintaining your soft tub hot tubs. Using your hot tubs jacuzzi less than 4 times a week will require only one hot tub shocking; using it more than 4 times will require two hot tub shock treatments.
- Keep the Soft Tub Hot Tubs Water Running – Keeping your spa and hot tub pumps running all day will help to prevent bacteria and viruses from entering your hot tubs water. Still water is more likely to grow bacteria than moving water, which can potentially cause long term difficulties with your spa and hot tub. Consider purchasing an automatic timer when you buy a hot tub which will automatically activate the hot tubs pump at desired times throughout the day.
Recommended Spa and Hot Tub Water Maintenance Schedule

When you buy a hot tub, use this schedule as a rule of thumb for keeping your hot tub in the best possible condition. Remember that this schedule can vary depending on spa and hot tub usage.
- When You Fill Soft Tub Hot Tubs With Fresh Water
- If you are filling your spa and hot tub with a garden hose, run the hose for a couple minutes to flush out any dirt, mold and bacteria that can accumulate from sitting in the hose for long periods of time.
- Heat your soft tub hot tubs to about 80 degrees Fahrenheit & start adding your preferred hot tub chemicals. Don’t add chemicals when the water is cold or even at room temperature. Adding the chemicals to warm water will ensure that the chemicals dissolve properly.
- Test the pH to make sure it falls between 7.2-7.6. If your soft tub hot tubs pH doesn’t fall between these levels adjust using one of the many products to raise or lower a hot tubs pH level. Always follow product directions.
- Test your spa and hot tub total alkalinity and adjust to be between the 80-120 PPM (parts per million) range.
- Use a stain and scale control product to protect your soft tub hot tubs shell from stains while keeping your water looking crystal clear.
- Add your spa and hot tub sanitizer
- *Remember to let your soft tub hot tubs run for 15 minutes with jets running between adding a new product.
- On a Daily Basis
- Check your spa and hot tub sanitizer level and if needed, make adjustments.
- Monitor hot tubs pH / alkalinity to ensure safe and appropriate levels and if needed, make changes using hot tub and spa dealer recommended chemicals.
- On a Weekly Basis
- After you buy a hot tub, refill spa and hot tub with fresh water to the recommended level (manufacturer will provide you with this information).
- Oxidize the hot tubs jacuzzi with a shock treatment (do this to your hot tubs weekly if you use the hot tub 2-3 times per week (more if you use it every day).
- Add no-foaming lotion to reduce hot tub foam.
- On a Monthly Basis
- After you buy a hot tub, using a hot tub cartridge cleaner to clean out the filter cartridge (it must be cleaned so that it will continue to operate effectively).
- Make sure calcium hardness is between 150-300ppm and add manufacturer recommended chemical if needed (you don’t want to jeopardize your soft tub hot tubs shell)
- Clean your hot tub cover-top and underside using a hot tub cover cleaning product.
- 3-4 Times a Year (Depending on use)
- Drain your spas water.
- Clean your spa and hot tub shell using one of the many hot tub shell cleaning products available or mix a ½ cup of bleach to every 3 gallons of water and scrub the shell.