Tips For Building A Deck With A Sunken Hot Tub
Most people find that building a hot tub spa deck can add a lot to your backyard’s overall appeal. It gives you that classic wooden/rustic look most reminiscent of a quaint country home. It is a popular design idea because it is pleasant to the eyes and very sturdy though. Not to be confused with an ordinary backyard deck, a hot tub spa deck is built to be very strong and withstand the massive weight of a full hot tub. It is also built to not be too high above the ground in order to avoid collapse. Hot tub spa decks come in many different shapes and sizes. Some hot tub spa decks are simple platform structures while some can be grand ones. Others are designed with contemporary flair while others stick with the traditional look. Whatever designs the homeowner chooses, it is important that the hot tub spa deck is stable, strong and suits their tastes well.
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However, building a hot tub spa deck may be a little too common and overwhelming for those who want to undertake building and designing their own spa area. Building a hot tub spa deck involves a significant amount of construction, carpentry and calculation in order to ensure that it ends up strong, level and beautiful. Not everyone has the skills required to build a hot tub spa deck and not everyone wants the same thing. Yet, everyone wants to have something different, as equally appealing and easier to build. One alternative to the hot tub spa deck is to build a sunken hot tub.
Contrary to a hot tub spa deck which places your hot tub on a platform and elevates it, a sunken hot tub tucks your hot tub away from view. All that bulk hidden underground, giving you a mini-pool kind of feel. This is great for those who are going for the more natural look and would like to hide as much modernityand plastic as possible. It is also easier to build because all it really ever needs is digging. You do not have to worry about your foundations being strong or your deck collapsing because the stable ground itself will be your very foundation and nothing is more stable than the ground.

To build a simple or basic sunken hot tub, you first need to find an ideal spot in your backyard which is free from gas or water pipes which might get damaged when you dig. Measure a shape in the ground roughly the same size or slightly bigger than your hot tub spa and start digging here. Dig as deep as only halfway up the sides of your hot tub or up to the brim. Pump out any water out of your pit using a water pump or scooping everything out. Make sure the bottom of the pit is level. Use or pack sand down the bottom to make it level and make the ground harder. Slowly lower our hot tub spa onto your pit, making sure all electrical wires have not been buried underneath and still has access to an outlet. If there are gaps along the sides, fill it in with more packed sand to make it tight.
You now have your basic sunken hot tub. You can also opt to strengthen the pit by pouring concrete on the bottom and sides. Decorating the area to make it look more pleasant, beautiful or more natural is now up to you. The key to remember when decorating the area is not to overdo it as it often leads to more clutter. Use some greenery to make the area cooler.