
WAVE Atlantic 2 to 4 Person Inflatable Hot Tubs Spa, White Wood

Wave Atlantic Plus Whitewood – Inflatable, portable and super luxurious hot tub. Escape daily life and submerge yourself in your very own Wave Atlantic Plus Whitewood hot tub


Wave Atlantic 2 to 4 Person Relaxing Inflatable Portable 105 Powerful Jet Hot Tub Spa with Filter, Cover, and Control Panel, White Wood

The Wave Atlantic Plus Whitewood – Inflatable, portable and super luxurious hot tub. Escape daily life and submerge yourself in your very own Wave Atlantic Plus Whitewood hot tub. Easily accommodating four to six people, the Atlantic Plus Whitewood is the perfect option for a get-together with friends, with the deep blue colourway lending a cool nautical-inspired aesthetic. Simply activate the rejuvenating 130 massaging air bubble system for unrivalled relaxation, whilst the clever and easy-to-use control panel allows you to heat the water to your preferred temperature and run the indulgent massage system.VIEW THE SETUP VIDEO HERE 🎞️ Heats up to 40 C / 104 F (adjustable) 130 powerful air jets Dual operated 1500W rapid heating system Accommodates four to six people Superfast easy setup Premium control panel to heat/massageTECHNICAL DETAILSDimensions: External dimensions (204 x 70cm) / internal dimensions (160 x 70cm) Safety: Child safety locking clips for protective cover Material: Tough woven UV protected PVC material construction, designed for all-weather plus protective floor sheet Filter and heater: 1380 W (filter 40W, heater 1340W) eco heater with a max controllable temperature of 40C Massage bubble power: 570W System flow rate: 530GAL (2006L)/hour Certification: cETLus Accessories: Included is 1x filter, cover, inflation hose, groundsheet, manual and pressure gauge Power Cable: Industry-standard 5m cable Safety: Please note this item is not suitable for children or anyone with medical conditionsWarranty: We give all our Wave Spas a 12-month warranty on the heating element* and a 6-month warranty on the cover & liner* Conforms to UL STD. 1563 Certified to CSA STD. C22.2 No. 218.1amzn_assoc_placement = “adunit0”; amzn_assoc_search_bar = “false”; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = “hottubdepot-20”; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = “manual”; amzn_assoc_ad_type = “smart”; amzn_assoc_marketplace = “amazon”; amzn_assoc_region = “US”; amzn_assoc_linkid = “b0c91d5f1c248e85978f9eabe8df4ddc”; amzn_assoc_asins = “B08712N5G1,B08T14BRTK,B08T24R3D2,B08T1CVKYB,B07DK4DNY3,B08T228NC7,B09CDZ3HFC,B08KYCYN31,B09CLBVC69”; amzn_assoc_title = “Other Hot Tub Deals from WAVE”;

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Original price was: $1,235.49.Current price is: $999.99.